Платформа/Platform: Sony PSX Разработчик/Developer: SCE Studio Cambridge Год выпуска/Release Data: 2000 Описание/Description (Rus): Продолжение отличной адвенчуры с рыцарем-скелетом в главной роли. Игра порадует вас кучей юмора и хорошей графикой. Рекомендую всем поклонникам хороших бродилок. Описание/Description (Eng): Sequel to Medievil. Not as open ended to game advancement as the first, as instead of an adventure game it;s more of a action game in which you go through levels and when you win one you go back to a professers hide-out to collect the chalice and get weapons and such. There are a large amount of mini-games, and the whole game is almost noting like the first, which is good or bad depending on your view. Язык/Language: Eng Кол-во CD/Number CD: 1 Размер архива/Rar Size: 266 Mb
http://w12.easy-share.com/924780.html http://w12.easy-share.com/924782.html http://w12.easy-share.com/924783.html http://w12.easy-share.com/924784.html
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